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Orion is a demo site built on the Askås e-commerce platform. Askås is a complete provider for e-commerce and has been a part of the market for over 25 years.

If you want to know more about our products, services, and about us as a company, we recommend visiting

Do you have specific questions or would you like to initiate a discussion about a future collaboration? Feel free to contact us by phone or via the contact form.

Askås I&R
Box 57, 661 22 Säffle
Phone: 0533-69 16 00

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Our lowest price 1-30 days before price reduction:

NOTE. The price is the lowest price applied for the product 1-30 days before the current price reduction was implemented. The exception is if gradual reductions have been made, then the lowest price 1-30 days before the first price reduction is shown.